Unitec Helmsdorf GmbH, Helmsdorf, Fabrikstr. 21, D-01833 Stolpen, Germany Phone: +49 35973/ 281 0 ; Fax: +49 35973/ 281 51 e-mail: info@unitec-helmsdorf.de Internet: www.unitec-helmsdorf.de |
ELASTOSAL® Adhesives for Plastics
Product |
Uses |
Buckets |
500 Plastic adhesive transparent Base:
polyurethane Solvent:
free of chlorinated hydrocarbon and aromates Yield: approx. 150 g/m² per coat Ventilation time 1 - 3 min |
Long lasting elastic adhesion with high firmness of PVC and
polyurethane for joining conveyor belts, lining reservoirs etc. by means of a
one- or a two component(s) adhesive as well as adhesion of various products
made of plastic, rubber, metal,
textile, leather, wood and
similar materials.
By adding the hardener ELASTOSAL Härter RFE,
the gluingfirmness, the resistance against heat, emollients and dampness and
the adherence can be significantly improved. |
300 g tin
650 g hobbock
4 kg hobbock
24 kg |